Code of Conduct

PCC expects all Players, Captains, Coaches, Managers and Supporters at all levels within our club to uphold the following values:

  • Fun is the objective
  • Batters walk if a fielder claims a catch
  • Fielders are quiet when batter is facing
  • Teams are prepared to play on time
  • Fielding teams maintain a fast over rate
  • No send-offs or abuse
  • Accept Umpires and Player/Umpires decisions
  • Complaints are voiced only through the captain or coach in a respectful manner
  • Thank Umpires and opponents after the game
  • Report anyone who doesn’t uphold these values appropriately


PCC requires all Players, Coaches, Managers and Supporters to be familiar and comply at all times with the appropriate Code of Conduct.

By taking the field to play for PCC you acknowledge that you agree to abide by the Code of Conduct.

Code of Conduct for senior Players & Coaches

Responsibility of Captains

The Captains of both teams are responsible at all times for ensuring that play is conducted within the 'Spirit of the Game', as well as within the Laws of the Game.

Players’ and Coaches' Conduct

In the event of any Player or Coach failing to comply with the instructions of an Umpire, criticising their decisions (by word or action), or showing dissent, or generally behaving in a manner which might bring the game into disrepute, the Umpire concerned will, in the first place, report the matter to the other Umpire and to the Player’s Captain, requesting the latter to take action.

Fair and Unfair Play

According to the Laws of the Game, the Umpires are the sole judges of Fair and Unfair Play. The umpires may intervene at any time and it is the responsibility of the Captain to take action when required.


The Umpires are authorised to intervene in cases of:

  • Time wasting
  • Damaging the pitch
  • Intimidating bowling
  • Tampering with the ball
  • Any other action that they feel to be unfair


The Spirit of the game involves RESPECT for:

  • Your opponents, their manager/coach, supporters and club officials
  • You own captain, your own team, manager/coach, supporters and club officials
  • The role of the Umpires
  • The game’s traditional values


It is against the spirit of the Game to:

  • Question an Umpire’s decision by word or gesture
  • Indulge in cheating or any sharp practice, e.g.
  • Appealing when knowing the batter is not out
  • Advancing towards an Umpire in an aggressive manner when appealing


Distraction and Harassment

It is not acceptable to seek to distract an opponent either verbally or by harassment in any way, including with persistent clapping or unnecessary noise under the guise of enthusiasm and motivation of one’s own side.



There is no place for any act on violence on the field of play.


Consumption of Alcohol and Illegal Substances

The consumption of alcohol and illegal substances by players/coaches participating in the game in progress will not be tolerated, and any breaches will be severely punished.


Overall Conduct

Players, Coaches, Captains, Managers and Umpires together set the tone for the conduct of a cricket match and every player is expected to make an important contribution to this.


Senior player and Coach/Manager Behaviour

Traditionally, cricket has maintained the highest levels of conduct and sportsmanship. While always a competitive game, the continued strength of the sport relies upon the acceptance of the Umpire’s decision and preparedness to play within the spirit of the game.

The following is not acceptable:

  • The use of offensive language – generally as a disparaging remark to an opposing player, your own players, coaches, officials or toward an Umpire, or even as an expression of frustration or self-admonishment.
  • Any form of racial vilification (any act that is reasonably likely to threaten, disparage, vilify, offend, insult, humiliate or intimidate another person or group based on race, religion, descent, colour or national or ethnic origin).
  • The questioning/disputing of the Umpire's decision. This applies to dismissals and unsuccessful appeals as to the judgement of calls on no-balls, wides, byes, etc.…
  • Excessive frivolous or ridiculous appeals to intimidate an umpire.
  • A dismissed batter failing to leave the crease promptly on being given out.
  • Any equipment abuse (e.g. banging the bat into the ground or against the fence etc.. or throwing equipment outside or inside the pavilion)


PCC is invested in having all cricket played within the spirit and traditions of the game.


PCC has two processes for the reporting and consideration of unsatisfactory behaviour

  1. Serious breaches of misbehaviour will see the player/coach immediately reported by the Umpire(s) controlling the match
  2. For less serious breaches where an Umpire has occasion to speak to a player/coach regarding their behaviour, but does not believe a report is necessary, the incident will be noted on the Umpire's Match Report. Should a player/coach be 'noted' on three such reports during the season, s/he may be called to appear before a PCC Disciplinary committee to explain his/her behaviour.


In both instances, should a player/coach be found guilty of an act of misconduct, they may be suspended from playing by PCC's Disciplinary Committee.

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